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The Web Empire Blog

We started this blog to give the opportunity to small business owners to learn how to have a successful web-presence. Month by month our team will publish new subjects, with simple words and phrases to make you familiar with our work, and our vision.

TWE's Support Team is a diverse group of people with different backgrounds and life experiences.

The Importance of Mobile Friendly Websites

How important are mobile-friendly websites? In today’s market, crucial. The amount of visitors using mobile devices to view websites or search the internet is constantly increasing. According to Emarketer in 2016 “… nearly one in 10 US internet users (11.7%) will go online exclusively through a mobile device,” and that number is expected to rise.

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  7905 Hits

Create a Successful AdWords Campaign - Tips

AdWords CampaignA website landing page is the first page that a user lands on when they visit your website. Statistics are saying that you have less than 5 seconds to grab their attention.

A campaign landing page though is a separate page that is trying to make the visitor take action, such as subscribe to a newsletter, purchase a product, sign up for an event or register to get more info from a business.

Businessess spend thousands of dollars a week on Google AdWords, trying to increase traffic and of course revenue. 

The problem occurs when an ad promotes an offer, but clicking on that ad takes a visitor to a website homepage that makes no mention of the offer. This is a lost opportunity to sustain the initial attention and interest of the user. 

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How you should know your e-commerce website is well made

These days, anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can build a website. The question is, what kind of website will you get? Will your new website function well and be able to expand as your company grows? Your website is often the first impression that clients have of your business, so you need a professional web design company —not some guy who pirated a copy of Dreamweaver with a stack of business cards using a Vista Print template.
There are many things which you need to check before signing a contract and handing over a deposit—especially if you are building an eCommerce site. Below are some of the key points to check before deciding which design company to use.
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Better Website is Better Business for you

Many clients are coming to our company, dissatisfied with their website’s results or under a bad user review. They know their websites can be doing better, but they’re just not sure how.

With more than 18 years of launching and re-launching websites, we have developed many affordable and proven ways to enhance and increase the performance of the sites we work on.

But first, let us define what we mean a better website.

When doing business online, better website - except the results - means:

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  53510 Hits