How important are mobile-friendly websites? In today’s market, crucial. The amount of visitors using mobile devices to view websites or search the internet is constantly increasing. According to Emarketer in 2016 “… nearly one in 10 US internet users (11.7%) will go online exclusively through a mobile device,” and that number is expected to rise.
The Web Empire Blog
We started this blog to give the opportunity to small business owners to learn how to have a successful web-presence. Month by month our team will publish new subjects, with simple words and phrases to make you familiar with our work, and our vision.
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A website landing page is the first page that a user lands on when they visit your website. Statistics are saying that you have less than 5 seconds to grab their attention.
A campaign landing page though is a separate page that is trying to make the visitor take action, such as subscribe to a newsletter, purchase a product, sign up for an event or register to get more info from a business.
Businessess spend thousands of dollars a week on Google AdWords, trying to increase traffic and of course revenue.
The problem occurs when an ad promotes an offer, but clicking on that ad takes a visitor to a website homepage that makes no mention of the offer. This is a lost opportunity to sustain the initial attention and interest of the user.
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