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The Web Empire Blog

We started this blog to give the opportunity to small business owners to learn how to have a successful web-presence. Month by month our team will publish new subjects, with simple words and phrases to make you familiar with our work, and our vision.

10 Most Important Steps for a Website to succeed 2nd part

SuccessHow to succeed in today's web industry

In my last blog article I described and analyzed the 5 most important factors that someone should consider if he/she wants to have a succesfull website. These rules are personal opinions through my 20+ years experience in this industry and few of them are changing year by year. It's important to understand that these are generic rules for a multi purpose website and that they don't always fit all types of websites or businesses.

Let's take a look now at the other 5 factors:

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© The Web Empire LLC

  116273 Hits

10 Most Important Steps for a Website to succeed (Part 1)

How to succeed in today's web industry

There are probably hundreds or thousands of important steps, and factors that someone should consider if he/she wants their website to be succesful. Succesful means incoming traffic and results. Period.

Through my experience i have came up with some final conclusions as to the most important factors for almost any kind of business or cause:

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© The Web Empire LLC

  66838 Hits

Create a Dynamic website, without the cost for a Content Management System

cmsA very important cost for any serious business website development, is the cost of the licences for the Content Management System. That cost varries from $2,000 up to $100,000 and this is a really considerable amount to start with your expenses. On the other hand there are hundreds of solutions out there, that TWE strongly supports, with similar results and management possibilities, SEO engines, ecommerce, blogging, etc and the most importan with zero CMS cost at all. Let's see what are the options.

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Importance of Hashtags and Social Media Strategy

hashtagsmallThere are many ways to improve your social media strategy. One common and simple at the same time is the correct usage of hashtags. Hashtags nowadays are used everywhere, even on the tv news. More than 80% of the internet users are familiar with their existence.

Correct use of hashtags means that you build by time your brand loyalty and the awareness on your client base. Etiquttes are different for each social network and this is something that adds on multiple other factor for a succesfull usage. So, what are the best ways to use them?

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Important rules for web typography

typographyThe basic rules of Typography is a resubmit from an article of Webdesigner Depot. This article came to my attention few years ago and since then I'm constantly trying to follow all of them. 

When someone visits a website you’ve designed, the odds are that they don’t care much about the colors, images or sounds, they’re immediately looking at the text. No matter how many bells and whistles you’ve built into a website, everyone relies on text to accomplish whatever they’re visiting the site to do. That alone should make typography, the art of arranging type, a priority for any web designer.

In this article we take a look at 10 easy rules to keep in mind when designing your next web project.

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  57687 Hits